Thanks for signing up to use our account on the Elvanto system. We are primarily using this service to help manage the rostering of the wonderful volunteers who work together to make our services run smoothly. 

We're currently using a service setup that is based on what week of the month you are rostered to do things, but that's been under a bit of strain with people moving away, people joining the rosters, people moving between services, and people not remembering when they are on to do things! :)

This system should allow us more flexibility, by not relying on us having 4, or 8 sets of volunteers to do things and having to have extra people to cope with 5th Sundays, as we do at the moment. One of the powerful things is the ability to let the church know when you will be away and for us to schedule volunteers around this.

To let us know when you are away and won't be available on the roster, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to Elvanto using your username & password
  2. Click Availability 
  3. Fill out the "I am unavailable from" dates
  4. Fill out the reason (optional, but please put some notes there if you have arranged to swap with someone. That will be less needed as we use this system more.)
  5. Click the green "Submit my unavailability button"

Please let me know how you get on with this. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to get in contact. I'm hoping to make this a success and will be very willing to help you work through anything that you don't understand.


